Rebelle mcm
Rebelle mcm

rebelle mcm

Fixed occasional crashes with the Warp tool Fixed lag with the Properties sliders when the watercolor was diffusing 'Paint & Mix' with Threshold parameter = 0 starts with paint and mixes according to the pressure (in the previous versions color mixing started after a slight release of the pen pressure). Brush presets with different Scale X/Y can be opened but will not be compatible with the previous Rebelle versions. Added 'Scale X' and 'Scale Y' sliders to Texture Properties for Shape and Grain in the Brush Creator. Fixed saving of Paint & Blend mode into the brush presets of dry non-wet tools A dialog window pops up when there is not enough memory for the Lens Blur filter Gaussian Blur filter now appears less pronounced at lower (1-10) values Improved Fractal resize quality for Transform tool (Pro edition) Ability to snap stencils to grid, guides, and canvas bounds

rebelle mcm

Brush preset paint mode when creating a new artwork is not changed Brush presets in Favorites have the same paint mode New option to set the same paint mode for all paint tools added in Preferences -> Tools Icon is changed in the Record Time-lapse panel when recording is automatically paused (e.g. Fixed displaying of the dialog on the second monitor when deleting the canvas of the Mixing Palette Last used colors in Color Set panel are resizing according to the panel menu -> Icon Size New 'Create Selection from Stencil' added in menu Edit -> Selection You can open any image (.png) as a selection. New 'Open / Save Selection As' added in the menu Edit -> Selection.

rebelle mcm

It is not working for image files copied from the file manager. Press the right mouse button over the panel and choose "Paste Image from Clipboard" or use the shortcut "Ctrl/Cmd + V". Ability to add an image from the clipboard to the Reference Images panel.

Rebelle mcm